CNN’s climate scare plans exposed

CNN is a shell of its former self to the point where no serious person can view it any longer as a “news” operation.

|2021-04-17T17:53:52-04:00April 17th, 2021|Comments Off on CNN’s climate scare plans exposed

The “hockey stick” curve obscures Earth’s CO2 history

When you look at the earth’s historical levels of CO2 you need to microscopically view a small piece of the 600,000,000-year history of CO2 in the graph at the extreme lower right corner to see the “hockey stick” curve.

|2021-04-13T10:32:29-04:00April 15th, 2021|Comments Off on The “hockey stick” curve obscures Earth’s CO2 history

Sin of omission: Warm water beneath Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier” is GEOTHERMAL

Scientists have yet to reveal any amount of regulation, taxation and redistribution sufficient to cool a volcano.  

|2021-04-10T09:45:16-04:00April 10th, 2021|Comments Off on Sin of omission: Warm water beneath Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier” is GEOTHERMAL

Corporate climate “wokeness” reaps diminishing returns

Businesses hope to find the courage to resist the “Say on Climate” initiative, which is an effort to make a corporation’s carbon emissions subject to annual vote by its shareholders.

|2021-04-11T08:04:40-04:00April 5th, 2021|Comments Off on Corporate climate “wokeness” reaps diminishing returns

Biden’s “social cost of carbon” delusion

They claim the nation can easily go from one that gets 80% of its energy from fossil fuels today to one that is 80% “carbon-free” by 2030 – or 100% by 2050.

|2021-04-02T13:37:36-04:00April 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on Biden’s “social cost of carbon” delusion

“Woke” billionaires, celebrities join “tiny house” movement en masse

Tiny houses are eco-sensitive dwellings of 37 meters, or 400 square feet or less. Wealthy climate advocates are living their dream by moving into tiny houses and adopting the uncluttered Walden Pond lifestyle as their own.

|2021-04-02T11:13:40-04:00April 1st, 2021|Comments Off on “Woke” billionaires, celebrities join “tiny house” movement en masse

The media art of climate cult persuasion

We must make pledge to inspect climate news that comes our way and critically evaluate it.

|2021-03-26T10:43:08-04:00March 31st, 2021|Comments Off on The media art of climate cult persuasion

States proposing new trash taxes

At least ten states have proposed legislation for "extended producer responsibility" (EPR) laws to force disposal and recycling mandates and costs on employers that produce goods.

|2021-04-11T08:05:42-04:00March 26th, 2021|Comments Off on States proposing new trash taxes

When history disproves climate doom

One of the toughest challenges for the global warming crowd occurs when, after the passage of time, the doom they predicted is nowhere to be seen.

|2021-03-25T03:52:18-04:00March 25th, 2021|Comments Off on When history disproves climate doom

China is outplaying President Biden on climate

Chinese "climate cooperation" is a bogus ploy and the Biden Administration is falling for it.

|2021-03-24T15:02:38-04:00March 24th, 2021|Comments Off on China is outplaying President Biden on climate

More climate blame game for immigration crisis

The area hit by storms is sparsely populated, and cannot account for the wave of immigration that started north in November and is overwhelming our southern border.

|2021-03-23T22:47:00-04:00March 24th, 2021|Comments Off on More climate blame game for immigration crisis

Biden plans to embed climate agenda into $3 trillion economic plan

The packages would add up to a whopping 5% increase in federal spending and a total of 1% of Gross Domestic Product

|2021-03-23T21:54:08-04:00March 23rd, 2021|Comments Off on Biden plans to embed climate agenda into $3 trillion economic plan

Biden ready to slip Green New Deal through the back door

They want to go after CO2 under the guise of regulating ozone.

|2021-03-21T14:50:13-04:00March 23rd, 2021|Comments Off on Biden ready to slip Green New Deal through the back door

Ten climate fear stories that failed

Readers at buy little of the daily climate scaremongering, but we all know friends who do.

|2021-03-23T09:03:55-04:00March 23rd, 2021|Comments Off on Ten climate fear stories that failed

The Godfather of climate skepticism makes you a book you can’t refuse

Are you serious about looking into climate? Then Marc Morano's "Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse than You Think" is a must.

|2021-03-21T14:31:51-04:00March 21st, 2021|Comments Off on The Godfather of climate skepticism makes you a book you can’t refuse
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